Microsoft Teams and Direct Routing

The Metis platform supports Direct routing for outbound and inbound calling on the Microsoft Teams platform.

From the Metis platform, the following services must be associated to your account to enable Direct routing;

Metis Service Service Type
SIP Trunk - Direct Routing Monthly recurring
Voice Channels Monthly recurring

International Voice Channel

(if using international numbers)

Monthly recurring
Telephone Numbers (UK and International) Monthly recurring
Session Border Controller (SBC) setup One Off
Microsoft Teams technical support One Off (billed per hour)

In addition, you will need the following Microsoft services and associated licenses;

Microsoft Service/License Information
Microsoft 365 account
Microsoft Teams admin account
Microsoft Teams Essentials License - Monthly recurring
Microsoft Teams Phone Standard License - Monthly recurring
Microsoft Team Phone Resource Account License - Monthly recurring

Before you move your telephony service to Microsoft Teams, plan your deployment and understand the requirements. Knowledge of using MS products and services and previous use of Powershell is advised.

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