How to add a geographic number to your Metis account
How to add a geographic number
How to create a fax to email number
How to create a conference number
Select Numbers from the left menu, then select 'Add New Number' from the menu tabs.
How to add a geographic number
On the first screen, you can select from UK or Ireland numbers. In this example, we will pick a UK number for the Manchester location and set it as a standard geographic number.
Then choose the following options. In the search box, type the location from which you want to select a number, and you will be shown the list of available number ranges. Choose the one you prefer.
Leave the type as Geographic and continue.
On the final screen, enter your address information and tick to accept the terms and conditions. The address information is added to the UK emergency services, number and address database. This information is a mandatory requirement for all numbers added via Metis.
How to create a Fax to email number
To add a Fax to email number, repeat the initial process but choose the type 'Fax to email' when offered. Then, please just enter the email address that you'd like to use. This is the address where faxes, converted to images, will be sent.
Click continue, add the address information and then accept.
How to create a Conference Number
To add a number and associate a conference service, repeat the initial process and choose the type 'geographic'. Next, tick the conference call number option and entry a four-digit conference PIN. The conference number pin will be used to access the conference service for users dialling the number.
Click continue, add the address information and then accept.
How to remove (deactivate) a number
To remove (deactivate) a number, select numbers from the left menu. Select the number you wish to deactivate from the list of numbers.
In the next screen there are a series of option within the dropdown menu.
Select deativate number from the dropdown
This will remove. the number from the customer account. The number will also be removed from, Outgoing numbers and Incoming numbers. Final billing for the number will be issued on the next months invoice.