Manage your extensions, voicemail and virtual voicemail
Choose the 'Extensions and voicemail' option from the left menu, under the 'Voice Control Panel'
The following tabs are shown;
- Extensions and Voicemail
- Settings
- Busy Lamp Field
- Call Pickup
View Extensions and voicemail information
The Manage tab allows the user to see all extension information
Field Name | Description | Additional Information |
Ext No. | SIP Extension number | Unique Identifier |
Name | Name of the person the extension is associated with | |
Voicemail | Type of voicemail associated with the user | None - no voicemail was created Mailbox - user stored voicemail on the network that can be accessed via a dial code and PIN. Copies of voicemails are emailed to the user's associated email address. Message limit of 100. Email = all voicemails are removed from the network after emailing the user's associated email address. |
SIP username | SIP Authentication detail | Protected field |
SIP password | SIP Authentication detail | Protected field |
Registrar | SIP Authentication detail | |
Outgoing call group | The outgoing call group defines the callerid used by the extension and associated emergency service information. | See 'How to set and outbound call group' for more information. |
Actions | Choose from the following options: Modify, Delete, View voicemail details or Add voicemail details. |
Modify - Change extension attributes. Delete - Permanently remove extension and voicemail. Add Voicemail Details - If an extension has been added via the 'Add range' feature, use this option to add voicemail information. View Voicemail Details - Show additional voicemail information, user's email address, voicemail PIN and number of messages held on the network. |
Within the Manage tab, the actions available are;
Modify Extension and voicemail
Delete Extensions and voicemail

Modify Extension and voicemail
The modify option allows the user to change the sip password, associated outgoing call group and voicemail details.

Delete extensions and voicemail
Pick delete from the actions options to delete an extension and associated voicemail. This will immediately and permanently remove the extension and voicemail.
View voicemail details
The following additional information will be displayed using this action.

Add voicemail details
This action will allow the user to add the Name, email address and voicemail PIN.

Adding Extensions and Virtual Voicemail
Add a single extension and associated voicemail
Add a range of extensions and associated voicemail
View and manage virtual voicemail

Add a single extension with a voicemail
Add a single extension and voicemail. Within this screen, the user can decide if voicemail is required and what type of account is needed.

Add a range of extensions with voicemail
Add a range of extensions and voicemail. The user can decide whether voicemail is added to each extension within this screen. The voicemail details should be updated via the Manage, modify option.

Virtual Voicemail
Add a virtual voicemail
What is a virtual voicemail? A virtual voicemail is a voicemail that is not connected to an extension.
To add a virtual voicemail, enter the required information, voicemailbox number, the user of the voicemail box (e.g. this can be a person or a department), email address and PIN.

View and manage virtual voicemail
Select the virtual voicemail tab. Choose from the options in the dropdown list in the Actions column.

Setting - Busy Lamp Field and Call Pickup
Use this screen to enable each of these features.
Busy Lamp Field
A busy lamp field is a light on a voip phone that indicates the presence status of the associated extension. The light can indicate online, offline, busy, or on a call.
Call Pickup
Call pickup is a feature that allows any user within the company to answer a call that is ringing within the company on another phone/extension.
From your phone, dial *8 send and the most recent ringing active call will be answered on your phone.