How to use the Sales Invoice Report
Navigation: Login > Sales Invoices
This report shows all billing history between your company and your customers. In short, everything your customers have bought from your company. You can immediately see the owing balance on your account by age and reminders of the due dates on all invoices awaiting payment. The information displayed is sorted by date, oldest to newest.
How to view your invoices and financial data
Download a statment of Account
How to view your invoices and financial data
The report allows filtering by date range (months) or day. Use the ‘type’ filter for invoices, payments, credits, or write-offs. Use the ‘Paid/Unpaid’ filter to look at paid, unpaid, or overdue invoices. Use the frequency filter to look at monthly or one-off invoices.

The results panel shows the following information;
Column Name | Description |
Invoice |
Download |
Sub Total |
VAT Amount |
VAT Rate |
Total |
Balance |
Payment |
Month Year |
Type |
Name |
Level |
Invoice Date |
Age |
Due Date |
Overdue |
Paid |
Payment Type |
Credit Note |

Credit note creation
To create a credit note, click the add option in the credit note column. This screen will be shown
Complete the information in the credit note detail screen, paying attention to available options.
Credit notes cannot be created for an amount greater than the parent invoice they are associated with.
Select the 'Credit for calls only' option if the credit note is associated with calls. Otherwise, do not select this. Credit notes for calls should be created separately to credits for any other service (Broadband, voice services).
Add notes to explain the reason for the credit note.
Select the' Email credit note' option to email a copy of the credit note to the customer associated with the parent invoice.
Click submit to complete.
What your customers see
When your customers log in to Metis they will have a menu option called ‘Invoice Report’.
This will show the same information that you see in the Sales report. It has the same filters and allows users to download copies of invoices, credit notes, or ‘Statement of Account’ to CSV. It is also colour coded in the same way you see the data using the Sales report. Your customer will see billing information relative to their pricing.
Download a statement of account
Click Download Statement of account to download a CSV file with all billing history.

Click the PDF button in the download column to download your invoice or credit note.
Click the CSV button to download a breakdown of the items within the associated invoice. CSV downloads are only available from 2020 onwards and only for Monthly invoices.
CSV file data
The CSV file gives an itemised breakdown of the information within the PDF invoice. It has the following data within the file.
Company. The company the billed service is associated with.
Description. The service that has been billed.
Quantity. The total amount of units that have been billed.
Reference. The associated broadband order, wlr3 order, and hardware order reference.
Period. The billing period of the service.
Unit Price. The service cost. For call charges, this will show as N/A.
VAT(%). The applicable VAT rate at the point the invoice was created.
Amount GBP. The amount in GBP (Great Britain pounds) billed to the company.
Colour Markers
- Invoices are listed in Blue
- Payments are listed in Green
- Credits are listed in Red
- Overdue invoices are listed in Orange