Broadband Cease orders

Cease order requirements

Types of cease orders

How to place a cease order

Unsolicited cease order

Billing for cease orders

Cease order reporting

Cease order requirements

Any connectivity order placed using Metis can be ceased from within the Broadband Report as long as the following conditions are in place.

  • Service "Zen SOGEA/FTTC/FTTP/Gfast Cease" must be enabled
  • Service "Zen ASDL/ADSL2+ Cease" must be enabled
  • Service "Zen Early Termination Charge" must be enabled

Types of Cease orders

Cease Type Description
Managed Cease orders that are placed via Metis.
Unsolicited Cease orders that are a consequence of one of the following;
  • Service being migrated to another provider
  • For ADSL, FTTC and G.Fast, the WLR line associated with the connection has been ceased.
Unknown Cease orders has been created, but Openreach has not provided the reason

How to place a Cease order

Go to the Reports page, click the Service Reports tab, click Broadband and then click Orders.

Find your service and, using the Actions drop-down menu, select Cease Order.

Finally, select a Cease date and submit your order.

Unsolicited Cease orders

Unsolicited cease orders are notified to us via Openreach when:

  • A service has been migrated away to another ISP
  • For ADSL, FTTC, and G.Fast, the WLR line associated with the connection has ceased.

For example, you use Packnet for your FTTC 80/20 and Company B for your WLR3 line. If you cease the WLR3 line, Company B will inform Packnet that this will also cease our FTTC 80/20 service, and an Unsolicited Cease order will be created.

If we receive an unsolicited cease notification, we will contact the circuit's owner and let you know that the cease is in progress. At this point, you can request that we cancel the cease. This process can take 2-3 days to complete. Once cancelled, the original order will be returned to its completed status, and we will continue to bill as usual.

For any unsolicited ceases that is not cancelled and is moved to the new provider, some or all of these charges will apply;

  • Cease Order
  • Early Termination fee
  • Remainder of contract fees

Billing for Cease orders

Following the completion of a cease order or an unsolicited cease, an invoice containing relevant cease charges will be created. 

The charges will differ depending on the service, which we've outlined below:

Product family Cease charge Early termination fee Remainder of contract fees
SOGEA Always If cancelled within 12 months No
FTTP Always If cancelled within 12 months No
G.Fast Always No Yes
FTTC/ADSL Always If cancelled within 12 months No

Cease order reporting

Additional information will be shown in the Broadband Order report, in the order details section, when any cease order is created.

Information Field Description
Status For managed cease orders, the order status will be  'Cease in Progress' when submitted and 'Ceased' when completed.
For unsolicited cease orders, the order status will be 'Ceased' when completed.
For unknown cease orders, the order status will be 'Ceased' when completed.
Requested Cease Date When a managed cease is placed, this is the date that was requested initially
Ceased by The user who places the cease order.
For Unknown and Unsolicited cease orders, this will always be listed as METIS_USER
Cease Type Managed, Unsolicited or Unknown
Committed Cease Date The initial date that Packnet are advised the cease will complete
Cease Date The actual cease completed date
Contract End Date The contract end date of the service
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