How to use the Broadband report and view order detail and connection information

Order Detail information is found within the Broadband Report in Metis.

Login > Reports > Service Reports > Broadband

Find the order details by running the Broadband Report. From the action dropdown, select 'View'.

Download all information

You can download all the information shown on the screen to a CSV file by clicking on the download icon.

Company and service details

Field Description
Monthly Cost Service's monthly price point
Customer Order Ref Identifying reference. Also appears on invoices
Status Status of the order


Company name of the service owner
Service Name of the service

Connection details

Field Description
Login Username Username to access the broadband service. Usually entered in a router along with the login password
Login Password Password to access the broadband service
IP Address Service's public IP address
Connection Status Displays whether the service is online or offline. Zen only
Uptime Displays how long the service has been online. Zen only

Order dates

Some fields won't appear unless the order is cancelled or ceased.

Field Description
Order Date When the order was placed (DD/MM/YYYY)
Committed Date When the engineer visits your address to install the service
Requested Date The install date you requested when the order was placed
Requested By Who placed the order
Requested Timeslot The install date appointment you requested when the order was placed
Completed Date The date your service was installed and signed off by the suppliers
Cancel Date When the order was cancelled
Cancel Requested By Who requested the order cancellation
Cease Date When the service was ceased

Order details

Field Description
Provide Type What order type was placed
Care Level Care level selected at the point of order
Traffic Weighting Defaults to Standard
Appointment Type Appointment variant selected at the point of order
Contact Name Site contact name passed to the engineer. Entered at the point of order
Contact Number Site contact number passed to the engineer. Entered at the point of order
Site Safety Notes Site safety notes passed to the engineer. Entered at the point of order
Site Visit Notes Site visit notes passed to the engineer. Entered at the point of order
Special Arrangement Notes Additional information passed to the engineer. Entered at the point of order

Address details

Field Description
Address Full installation address for the service
City City name for the service
Postcode Postcode for the service
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